Parking, Pick-Up and Drop-Off
Please have your students arrive no earlier than 7:30 am as that is the time adult supervision begins. The first bell to begin the day starts at 7:50 am and students arriving after 7:50 am will be marked as tardy. Dismissal is 3:00 pm (IMPORTANT: Wednesday Early Dismissal is 1:00 pm).
If you need to enter the office, please park in a designated parking space and enter through the main entrance doors.
Car riders
To keep students safe and traffic moving, please see the parking lot procedures below.
Morning Drop-Off Procedures:
Two lanes of traffic once you curve around the lot.
Remain in your vehicle
Use the whole drop off zone to drop off your student
Stop at each of the crosswalks (check for pedestrians before proceeding)
NO vehicle should be left unattended in the curb lane or drive-through lane. At no time should a driver exit the vehicle unless parked in a parking spot.
Vehicles can ONLY turn right out of the parking lot during drop-off/pick-up times
Afternoon Pick-Up Procedures:
Stay in your lane until directed by school staff to do otherwise.
Please use BOTH lanes of the carline. This will keep North Park Road free of traffic.
Adults picking up students should remain in the vehicle. Staff will assist getting kids in the car. If you need to buckle in kids in car seats please get them in the vehicle and pull to the parking lot to assist them. (This keeps the line moving and is safest for everyone involved).
Students must enter a vehicle from the curb side. The backseat passenger side should be available for loading/unloading.
Students will not be allowed to cross the crosswalk into the parking lot to enter vehicles.
Please display the official pick up sign in a spot where school staff can easily read the name on the card. (pick up sign can be obtained from our front office).
Be kind. Honking, cutting each other off and other poor behavior will not be tolerated.
Be patient. The car line is not the place to be in a hurry. We typically get our line cleared out in 15-20 minutes.
If your student has been instructed to attend Champions after school, you must park and enter the building to get your student. Please do not go through the car line and ask us to get them out of the Champions program (as per their regulations, a parent must sign a child out of Champions).
We are acting with safety in mind. We are always evaluating our processes and procedures. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Principal Stull at